
Frameworks, a supplementary curriculum for Foundations of Emergency Medicine, focuses on teaching organized approaches to common clinical entities. The Frameworks curriculum aims to equip emergency medicine residents with cognitive scaffolding to efficiently work up and care for undifferentiated patients (eg “Approach to AMS”, “Approach to Stroke”, “Approach to Syncope”, etc). These may be used in the classroom setting and/or for on-shift teaching as a simple visual resource to provide resident learners with cognitive approaches to complex patient complaints. A detailed instructor guide will be provided for each Framework to assist the instructor and support resident teaching.

For the current academic year, there will be one or more Frameworks paired with each unit of the Foundations I curriculum.  However, learners may review these at any time or with other FoEM courses as they wish.

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE– For adapted use of this course in the virtual setting, please review our Virtual FoEM page.

GastrointestinalApproach to Nausea and VomitingFrameworkGuide
Approach to Abdominal ImagingFrameworkGuide
Approach to JaundiceFrameworkGuide
PulmonaryApproach to HypoxemiaFrameworkGuide
Approach to Emergent Airway ManagementFrameworkGuide
CardiologyApproach to Tachydysrhythmias FrameworkGuide
Approach to BradycardiaFrameworkGuide
Approach to SyncopeFrameworkGuide
Approach to CHFFrameworkGuide
Approach to Cardiac ArrestFrameworkGuide
Approach to Undifferentiated ShockFrameworkGuide
Approach to HTN in the EDFrameworkGuide
TraumaDecision Making in Trauma - Traumatic Head BleedFrameworkTrauma Guide (ALL)
Decision Making in Trauma - Penetrating Neck InjuryFrameworkSee above
Decision Making in Trauma - Chest TraumaFrameworkSee above
Decision Making in Trauma - Abdominal TraumaFrameworkSee above
Decision Making in Trauma - Pelvic TraumaFrameworkSee above
Decision Making in Trauma - Vascular Extremity InjuryFrameworkSee above
PediatricsApproach to the Sick NeonateFrameworkGuide
Approach to the Febrile NeonateFrameworkGuide
Approach to Pediatric Abdominal PainFrameworkGuide
Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose & ThroatApproach to Vision LossFrameworkGuide
Infections DiseaseApproach to Fever in the HIV PatientFrameworkGuide
NeurologyApproach to AMSFrameworkGuide
Approach to WeaknessFrameworkGuide
Approach to SyncopeFrameworkGuide
Approach to StrokeFrameworkGuide
Approach to VertigoFrameworkGuide
Toxicology & EnvironmentalApproach to the Poisoned Patient/ Toxicologic ResuscitationFrameworkGuide
Approach to ToxidromesFrameworkGuide
Approach to Hypothermic ResuscitationFrameworkGuide
Renal & GenitourinaryApproach to Testicular PainFrameworkGuide
Obstetrics & GynecologyApproach to Female Pelvic PainFrameworkGuide
Approach to Vaginal BleedingFrameworkGuide
Endocrine & MetabolicApproach to Hyperglycemia/InsulinFrameworkGuide
Hematology & OncologyApproach to Sickle Cell CrisisFrameworkGuide
PsychiatryApproach to the Agitated PatientFrameworkGuide
Immunology & DermatologyApproach to the Undifferentiated RashFrameworkGuide
Approach to Thermal BurnsFrameworkGuide